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What is Psychoanalitic Psychotherapy ?

There is a time in all our lives when our emotions feel overwhelming, we can  become unwell and depressed and every day is a struggle.

We often don't understand the beliefs and fears that shape our way of looking at and living in the world, as they have become ingrained and automatic. We can find ourselves repeating destructive behaviours, feeling stuck in unhappy relationships and stunting our emotional, creative and professional development.

Psychotherapy can help to eliminate or control troubling symptoms so a person can function better and can increase their well-being and health.

It is a therapeutic process which helps patients understand and resolve their difficulties by increasing awareness of their inner word and its influence over their life and relationships, both past and present. 

Once a patient can identify what is happening changes can be made reducing symptoms and alleviating distress. 

It can help with:

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • loss

  • low self esteem

  • bereavment

  • trauma

  • relationship difficulties

  • loss of meaning in life

  • seeking a greater sense of fulfillment

  • post traumatic stress

  • problems arising from emotional abuse

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